I AGREE with every word of 'Bullying victims should speak out' (Letters, June 27).

What happens to the nurses who are constructively dismissed through bullying? Do they get any moral support from those who should have been caring for their well-being in the first place?

We have bereavement counselling in the NHS. Is it not time to have an equivalent form of counselling for people who have been bullied in the health service?

What happens to the bullies -- do they get off scot-free?

The victim is always labelled as a trouble-maker and made to feel it's their fault they are being bullied.

Thank heavens for those like Sylvia Johnstone (LET, June 3) who have the courage to make a stand on bullying.

To my mind, people who sit back and do nothing about it are just as guilty as the bully.

It's time bullying in any walk of life was brought to a halt before any more lives are ruined.

WINNIE McKENNA (Miss), Trinity Street, Oswaldtwistle.