WHILE I agree with all that J Culshaw (Letters, June 28) says regarding the state of the rear entries after the bin men have been, on this occasion I must defend Blackburn with Darwen's cleansing department.

On May 30 I wrote to Peter Hunt, Director of Direct Services, enclosing a photograph of the state of our rear entry. Action must have been taken, as on the following week and ever since the bins have been replaced. Hopefully, it has solved our problem.

On June 16 I received a letter of apology from a Mr C Bradbury, the Operations Manager, who stated that the crews had been reminded of their duties and that the refuse collection supervisor has been asked to monitor the situation.

He also stated that if we have any more difficulties we should ring Customer Service on the Cleansing Help line -- 01254 585921.

It is not often I defend a council department, but on this occasion I do.

ALBERT CAVILLE, King's Road, Blackburn.