IT is peculiar that funding for Darwen's parks, usually the responsibility of the council, is to now be hidden among the guise of grants given via the 'friends groups.'

The sum of £2,500 will buy a lot of bulbs and is no doubt a welcome boost to Bold Venture Park, but it remains the council's responsibility to care for these parks.

There is perhaps, a case for developing these 'friends groups,' but I would question the motives of the council which would clearly like to pass on their duties to members of the public, along with funding problems.

If the council had upheld their own duties and maintained the parks over the years, then there would not be the necessity to develop the 'friends groups.'

Bold Venture Park Friends Group is now in pursuance of volunteers to help plant the bulbs in the autumn. If none can be found, then perhaps the parks department, which we all pay towards, will come out from their hiding places and plant the bulbs in the park.

COUN ROBIN J EVANS, British National Party, Blackburn with Darwen Council.