FOSTER carers have been officially rewarded and thanked for their years of dedicated service to youngsters.

Social services staff hosted a reception on Monday of last week (June 30) at Ramsbottom Civic Hall to show their appreciation of foster and Home from Home carers.

Councillor Wilf Davison, the Mayor of Bury, presented long-service certificates to those who have helped for more than ten years.

Councillor Mike Connolly, executive member for health and social services, said: "There are 100 carers in Bury who offer a magnificent service to children at a time of crisis and we wish to show our appreciation of their efforts.

"Of those carers, 25 have fostered for Bury's Family Placement Team for ten years or more. In fact, two families have been carers for over 25 years and fostered several hundred children in that time. That kind of dedication to the community deserves to be recognised."

Diana Powell, family placement team manager, said: "We continue to need more foster carers, especially for older children, disabled children and sibling groups. We will be happy to talk with anybody who contacts us about becoming a carer and to send out an information pack."

Those interested should call 253 5457.