A DRUG addict who beat up his then former partner in her own home, is behind bars for 18 months.

Martin Gray, 29, punched "defenceless," victim Tracy Evans in the face, dragged her across the floor causing carpet burns and abused her in the 20-minute terror attack in her bedroom. Burnley Crown Court heard factory worker Miss Evans thought the defendant was going to kill her and it was not until the next day she escaped from her bedroom, climbed out of the window and fled to safety.

Sentencing Gray, who has 78 previous convictions, Judge Barbara Watson said the attack was violent, unprovoked and sustained and it must have been impossible for Miss Evans to get help.

Gray, of Dall Street, Burnley, earlier admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and false imprisonment, in June last year.

Anthony Cross, defending, said Gray did not have a clear recollection of what happened. He and Miss Evans were still seeing each other and a relationship was continuing.

Mr Cross said Gray, who had been on remand at Preston Prison, was now said to be drug free.