A SHOPLIFTER, at the time addicted to drugs, went out and helped himself to two pairs of jeans, a court was told.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Andrew Roger Leonard was now going through withdrawal from heroin, but did not want to use the drug's substitute methadone.

Leonard, 34, of Keighley Avenue, Colne, was given six months conditional discharge by the magistrates to clean up his act and was warned it was his last chance.

They deferred sentence until next January 5 and told Leonard he had to attend the Think First programme.

The defendant must also seek support from the East Lancashire Drugs Service.

Leonard admitted stealing from shop premises on May 24.

Mark Irlam, defending, said at the beginning of the community rehabilitation order, Leonard had had a very positive attitude but turned back to drugs after falling out with his mother, who he cared for.

Since May, he had tried to stay away from illegal substances but did not want methadone, because Leonard claimed in some circumstances, that was worse than taking heroin.