A COLNE shopkeeper has been ordered to hand over his £15,000 alcohol stock, after he was caught selling lager without a licence.

Mukhter Ahmed, 35, had money problems and now intended to go and live in Pakistan and leave his sister to make a go of running the Oak Street store, Burnley Magistrates heard.

Ahmed admitted selling intoxicating liquor without holding a justices licence or a canteen licence and possessing cannabis.

He was given a 12 months conditional discharge, with £65 costs by the bench, who ordered the forfeiture of the drink seized by police.

John Wood, prosecuting, said the the off licence for Ahmed's shop lapsed in 2001. Police went to the shop, spoke to the defendant and advised him he could not sell alcohol.

Ahmed later got an occasional licence, the intention being that while that was in force, he would seek a full off licence.

Last April, officers went back to the defendant's premises and told him because the occasional licence had now lapsed, he could not sell any alcohol.

Two days later, a police officer on duty saw the defendant selling Carling Black Label to a customer. The officer spoke to Ahmed and the defendant indicated he still did not have a licence.

The prosecutor said on June 19, police, with some officers from the Customs and Excise department, searched the defendant's shop. A small amount of cannabis, consistent with personal use, was found on the top of the wardrobe.

Mr Wood said the police seized a large amount of drink, which had not yet been itemised.

Graeme Tindall, defending, said the defendant had run the shop for 16 years and had properly held a justices' licence.

Mr Tindall said an application for a full off licence had been submitted to the court by the defendant's sister as he hoped to leave the country.