A DECISION to close four Post Offices in Colne has shocked and angered councillors and the town's MP.

As part of a restructuring programme designed to safeguard the future of the Post Office network, four in Colne are set to shut in autumn.

The closures would leave five Post Offices operating in the town.

Post Office Ltd said that after consulting postmasters in the area it had decided to close Burrell Avenue Post Office, Alkincoats Post Office in Parker Street, Cottontree Post Office, Trawden Road, and Lidgett Post Office, Keighley Road.

Pendle MP Gordon Prentice said: "I am astonished and very, very concerned.

"We need to maintain the Post Office network, but it is about more than selling stamps. It's a vital service to the community.

"I shall be doing all I can to try and ensure that these Post Offices stay open."

Councillor Frank Clifford said: "My reaction is absolute shock. I use the Alkincoats Post Office and people in the vicinity all I can think is they will have to go a long way to receive the same service.

"It's mind-blowing. The word service seems to have gone out of the window and it is now only about commercial considerations."

Coun Clifford is planning to oppose any closures before the final decision.

Eddie Herbert, spokesman for Post Office Ltd, said: "Proposals to close offices are not made without considerable research and discussion. We are anxious customers and relevant organisations understand why we consider it necessary to reduce the size of our network.

"Many urban offices are struggling to survive because there are too many branches for the amount of business. In the case of these four post offices, each of our subpostmasters wants to leave our organisation because of a declining number of customers, increasing running costs, and the recent change to how benefits are paid with the introduction of direct payments into accounts."

Other Pendle councillors have blasted Post Office Ltd for making the announcement at the start of the local holidays and giving only four weeks for anyone to protest, up to August 7.

Councillor Sharon Davies, chair of Pendle Council's Colne & district area committee, is asking Pendle Council to contact the Post Office immediately to extend the period for local consultation at least to the end of August.

Coun Davies said: "We will do what we can to fight these cuts. The closures are typical of so-called 'efficiency' instead of service to the public. The time-scale proposed for comments is a disgrace and our first battle is to get that extended."

Customers with concerns have until August 7 to make their feelings known. Letters should be sent to National Consultation Team, PO Box 641, St Albans, AL1 5XN.