A SCRAP metal dealer allegedly attacked a father and knocked his teeth out, after he went to the aid of a schoolboy he was chasing and threatening to kill, a jury heard.

Burnley Crown Court was told how Thomas Smith, 26, punched Philip Cocker, knocking him unconscious.

Smith, of The Oaks, Meadow Street, Great Harwood, denies assault causing actual bodily harm.

Louise Whaites, prosecuting, said Mr Cocker was visiting his two children when he heard a knock at the window, went to see what was happening and saw a younger man being chased by an older man.

The 15-year-old, was asking for help and Mr Cocker went to see if he could help.

Mr Cocker told them to go away or he would call the police and as he turned to leave he was punched by Smith.

The prosecutor said Smith told police he had been to a funeral and had a lot to drink.
