A SCHOOL will get an extra half-a-million pounds as a result of winning specialist science college status.

Mount Carmel RC High School, in Wordsworth Road, Accrington, will get the money over four years as part of the award from the government's Department of Education and Skills.

The first instalment of £100,000, to accompany the £50,000 raised by the school, will buy new equipment, employ new teachers and start a building programme in December.

This will see the refurbishment and expansion of the school's existing science labs as well as the construction of a new one.

Mount Carmel joins Hollins Technology College, which is a specialist technology college, as the only schools in the borough to have attained specialist status.

Although Rhyddings High is hoping to win business and enterprise status, while Norden High School, in Rishton, is bidding for sports college status.

Headteacher Katrina Ryan said: "We are ecstatic, it represents a lot of hard work, not only preparing the bid but raising the money needed.

"The status starts on September 1 when we will be known as a specialist college and over the next four years we will get half-a-million pounds injected into the school.

"Throughout this time we have to hit a number targets including exam results in Key Stage Three and GCSE and putting into operation all the things we promised to do.

"This includes offering courses for the wider community to come into the school to do lifelong learning."

County Councillor Alan Whittaker, Cabinet member for education said: "Mount Carmel has already got a reputation for its strength in science and this success with further enhance that strength."