Clarets defender Arthur Gnohere handed the Clarets an injury scare in training yesterday.

The French defender limped out of the first training session of pre-season with a worrying thigh strain.

Ghohere, 24, has been ruled out of action for the rest of this week after a scan later revealed the damage was not serious.

And club physio Ian Liversedge reckons the Clarets ace could now be back in action as early as next week.

Liversedge confirmed: "Arthur has got a slight thigh strain and he will be keeping a low profile for the rest of this week.

"Hopefully, he will be able to join in again next week and step up his training."

Gnohere will feel he has much to prove this season. After making a bright start to the last campaign, he suffered a mid-season dip in form and surrendered his place in the side.

Boss Stan Ternent then sent the player back to France for a break, and Gnohere later returned to reclaim a starting role towards the end of a turbulent year.