A TERRITORIAL Army soldier returned from Iraq to a surprise party.

Graham Black, 23, of Jubilee Street, Darwen, joined the TA to supplement his fees through university five years ago and says he never expected to be called to war.

The detachment commander signaller was sent to Iraq on February 26 and his mother, Alison, 43, said: "I can remember the day he told us he was going to war. Both me and Graeme, his dad, could not believe it and our hearts just sank. He's our only son.

"I can't put into words how good it is to have him home safe and well."

Graham took his five years of TA experience to Basra. He said: "I was 100 metres from the front line at one point but we have full protection at all points because we were responsible for relaying communications.

"You don't think about the danger factor because you're just doing your job."

His parents decorated their Darwen home for his return.

Graham said: "As soon as I saw it I couldn't believe they'd done it. It's good to be home and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends."

After a short stay at home, Graham will travel back to Sunderland to complete his degree.