I THINK that David Dunn's actions have only gone to prove that Graeme Souness was right all along

Souey is the manager and if he feels, rightly or wrongly, that a player is not pulling his weight he has every right to say so.

Dunn's reaction was childish and immature. If he was a man he would have knuckled down and proved his manager wrong but instead he played with a couldn't care less attitude.

I honestly believe that he was convinced that a 'big' club would snap him up this summer. What happened? Birmingham!

He has gone from a club playing UEFA Cup football next year to a club that will be battling relegation.

Cutting off your nose to spite your face springs to mind. Having backed himself into a corner he still wasn't big enough to admit he was wrong.

Instead he seems to be trying to convince everyone (and himself I suspect) that the move to Birmingham is a good one for his career.

You're fooling no-one Dunny and judging by his performances last year he won't be missed!

It's a shame because he could have been a great player with a great future but as many times before the ego was just that bit bigger than the talent.