YOU'VE nothing to fear, was the mantra on the opening of Blackburn's new lap dancing club (LET, July 31).

We've everything to fear is the truth.

People must look back across the decades and see the undeniable decline of morals in our society and recognise that this is just another step backwards.

We all know of the overwhelming increase in pornography and the acceptance of these things. We are seeing the fruits of this unprecedented tide of immorality every single day in marriage break-ups due to affairs, the rise in rapes, sexual harassment, sodomy and paedophilia as well as divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

Tell me there is no link between living in an atmosphere of sex and these sad statistics of our modern society.

I believe the opening of this club is just another addition and another avenue for people to fuel their lusts. They say people who visit such clubs are 'well-educated' and 'level-headed' and this won't cause any problems in the town.

Well, only a fool believes that 'well-educated' and 'level-headed' people don't have affairs and don't rape or harass.

In short, we are all born sinners, rich and poor, educated or not educated, and the opening of this club is another open door for man to feed his lusts and another step backwards in our ever-increasing hedonistic society.

DEAN STEVENSON, Malvern Close, Accrington.