THE appliance of science got pupils from across the borough turning into budding Wordsworths.

As part of National Planet Science Year, youngsters were invited to wax lyrical and submit either a poem or a drawing representing "Planet Science".

There were five entry categories: Years 1/2, Years 3/4, Years 5/6,Years 7-9 and Special: and nearly 600 entries were received.

The boys and girls came up with a diverse range of topics, from the invention of the light bulb to their concerns about threats to the environment.

Councillor Steve Perkins, executive member for lifelong learning, said: "We had a wonderful response to this competition and we were all impressed with the quality of the entries.

"Planet Science is a national initiative to inspire and enthuse young people into learning more about science and I know a great deal of enjoyment was generated with this competition which encouraged our children to express their ideas about science. All the children and school staff involved in supporting the competition deserve our congratulations."

The winners and runners-up from each category were presented with their prizes at Springside Primary School, where there were poetry readings and a "Crazy Custard" demonstration.

The competition was run by Bury Council and sponsors including ASDA, Debenhams, Early Learning Centre, Marks & Spencer, Tesco, TNT and Wilkinson.

One of the winning poems:

Rainforest Cinquain

"On Earth

In rainforests

Precious plants are dying

Our air is being polluted

By us


Trees and insects

Are soon to be extinct

Rainforests are being destroyed

By us

Each day

Forests burning

Making a gas blanket

Global warming is being caused

By us

This day

Trees are cut down

Logs used for furniture

To use in homes over the world

By us


Things are happy

But they will not be soon

Animals' homes are being wrecked

By us

Right now

We need to act

To save our precious world

There won't be any planet left

For us."

By Andrew James Preston, Year 6, Springside Primary School.