SO, according to John Kimmons Walton (LET, July 30) East Lancashire is a hotbed of fascism, with little to be proud of except its countryside. Its inhabitants, parochial and intolerant, seldom venturing beyond their own borders and viewing all strangers with suspicion and hostility.

The only exception being, for some obscure reason, Kashmiri taxi drivers. Is this pretentious piece of nonsense masquerading as an analysis of East Lancashire actually meant to be taken seriously? Or is someone winding us up?

It is obviously impossible to argue with such absurd rhetoric, so I will not waste my time and energy.

Suffice it to say that, having been born and bred in this area, I would much prefer to live among the 'fascists' of East Lancashire, who at least have some common sense and humour, rather than among pompous, patronising, politically-correct idiots who appear to inhabit a parallel universe to the rest of us.

S LOVE (Mrs), Avenue Parade, Accrington.