FILM buffs are being offered the rare opportunity to attend a celebration of renowned Russian film-maker Andrei Tarkovsky.

The event is being staged at Folly in Lancaster from today (Thursday) to Sunday as part of its successful revision programme.

Generations of filmmakers and film-lovers alike have been influenced by Tarkovsky's work, which is acclaimed as some of the most important films made.

Tarkovsky's seven features will be screened during the event, followed by a group discussion.

Solaris was the original work upon which the Steven Soderburgh / George Clooney film is based.

The event is free to Folly members, £2.00 per film for non-members, and £10.00 for a pass to all seven films.

Booking is essential. To book and for further information, call Kate Connolly 01524 388550.