I CAN hardly find the words to describe my feelings for the cretin who dumped five puppies in a closed cardboard box on one of the hottest days recorded.

With temperatures over 90 degrees he was seen discarding the package, which was found to contain five little puppies, in a field off Maple Crescent, Westleigh.

Fortunately the pups were discovered and rescued by a feeling woman walking her dog. She took them home and looked after them overnight before contacting the RSPCA. Sadly two of the underweight, worm-riddled mites have died, but thankfully three are now on the road to recovery.

Inspector Cathy Hyde is trying to trace the goon responsible for abandoning them. I hope that he is soon rooted out and dealt an eye for an eye penance. The best lesson would be to dump him in the middle of the Sahara and leave him without water to find his own way out.

Unfortunately that could never be, but I sincerely hope that he is made to pay for his heartless action -- and not with just a ban from keeping animals. That is no punishment whatsoever for people who can treat them like this in the first place.