IN reply to Mr Brian Harrison (Letters, August 6), who asks whether a person's colour should count when registering with a new GP, I would like to put his mind at ease.

I am a GP nurse and we have to ask questions regarding hereditary conditions, some of which are helpful in diagnostic purposes and there are some medical conditions which do relate to certain ethnic groups and, as medical professionals, we need to know this.

As for the colour of skin, we treat every one as equal. But, we also take into consideration a person's religious beliefs.

Mr Harrison's questionnaire was just a short formality.

I am sure he will be offered an appointment with the practice nurse, who will give him a full medical exam and ask him questions, all of which are confidential.

The reason for this examination is to establish any hereditary problems and to allow the medical profession to diagnose any problems early.

J DUCKWORTH (Ms), Quebec Road, Lammack, Blackburn.