A BANNED driver jailed for flouting an order has had his prison term cut, even though a judge increased the sentence for the offence.

Martin Rolfe, 20, had earlier been jailed for a total of six months by magistrates -- four months for driving while disqualified, plus a further two months for breaching a community rehabilitation order.

Recorder John Gibson increased the four months to five but made the two months concurrent, so Rolfe will actually serve a month less.

Rolfe, of Norfolk Grove, Church, had appealed against the sentence of Hyndburn Magistrates.

Burnley Crown Court was told Rolfe got behind the wheel while banned on four occasions. He was spotted by somebody who knew him and she alerted police. The community rehabilitation order had been imposed for taking a vehicle, banned driving and excess alcohol. Rolfe had also been banned for two years.

Jacob Dyer, for Rolfe, said it was the first time the appellant had breached the driving order and he should by given a "modicum," of credit for the pleas that were entered.