A NEW group to help dads cope with parenthood is being launched in Bacup this week.

Men Behaving Dadly has been started by Bacup and Stacksteads Sure Start and will be a weekly session for dads and their pre-school children to chat, socialise, play and support each other.

It is the idea of Sure Start family worker David Curness, who will be running the sessions which start tomorrow.

Alison Lovente, family support co-ordinator, said: "There is nowhere for dads to go where they can have some time and space on their own with their children. They are often put off going to toddler groups because it is mainly mums who go to them.

"It takes a very strong, confident man to feel comfortable in a toddlers' group that is mainly attended by women and the feeling that we were getting from a lot of dads in the area was that they did not feel comfortable in these situations. So, David decided arrange for dads to have their own group.

"It is also about meeting other dads, making friends and talking to each other about their children and being a parent, just like mums do when they go to toddler groups.

"It is a self-support group so they can exchange advice and tips on bringing up children and share any problems they might have."

Alison believes there are a few similar groups for dads starting up in other parts of the country, but it is still a relatively new idea that is being developed.

The first Men Behaving Dadly is being held at the Sure Start offices in King Street, Bacup, from 1pm to 3pm tomorrow.

In the future the group could also be held on a Saturday, if there was enough interest, and there may also be sessions where the children are looked after and the dads take part in some group work but Sure Start want to get the play sessions going first.

For more information telephone David Curness at Bacup and Stacksteads Sure Start on 01706 871740.