LIBERAL Democrat councillors say an 'informal investigation' in an ultra-marginal Blackpool ward has cast doubt over Blackpool's postal vote experiment.

They say 20 votes in Bloomfield ward were 'missing' as electors who claimed to have sent their ballot papers were not recorded on the final list of those who had voted.

Of those, three were recorded as having been incorrectly signed while the others did not appear on the official list.

Although the party is not demanding a rerun of the May ballot, they have called on council chiefs to launch a full investigation.

This should, they argue, include asking the 20 electors to confirm, on oath if necessary, that they had delivered or posted their votes, to officially confirm or deny that those votes were received at the town hall, to trace the ballot papers and confirm if they were counted on May 1 and to undertake what they call a 'full and complete' recount of the votes cast.

A private request for an investigation has been turned down by the council's chief executive, Steve Weaver, but all four Liberal Democrat members of the council are demanding action.

Mr Weaver responded: "I feel completely confident that the local elections in May were carried out to a very high standard by extremely professional staff.

"Candidates from all parties, as well as Electoral Commission representatives, complemented Blackpool Borough Council on its professionalism.

"Both the count and recount for Bloomfield Ward were carried out in accordance with proper election procedures.

"I have carried out a full examination of this issue and confirmed with Royal Mail that they had carried out a full check to ensure that no votes were left in post offices or sorting offices.

"All ballot boxes in the town hall were sealed and accompanied by two staff when opened. All envelopes were scanned and crossed off the electoral register before they were even opened and it therefore doesn't seem at all possible that any votes could have gone astray."

The election has, he added, been declared a success by the independent Electoral Commission.