MY husband is getting irritated with me and no wonder. It has all to do with my collector's instinct. My latest collection is picking up empty cigarette packets lying in our streets.

So far I have collected eight. On the packets it says: smoking seriously harms you and others around you; smokers die younger; smoking causes ageing of the skin; smoking kills; smoke contains benzene, nitro samines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanidle; smoking can cause a slow and painful death; protect children, don't make them to breathe your smoke; smoking when pregnant harms your baby.

I find them in gutters, on footpaths and rubbish dumps. Thrown away ny smokers. This weed is evil; it extends its snake-like tentacles early in school toilets, then later in bars, pubs, dance halls, parks and public toilets. The reality only hits us as we witness relations, friends and neighbours join the weary journeys to Christie's in an attempt to remedy those horrible effects.

Even then the first opportunity the smoker gets after meals (if they are able) is to dash to the smokers' room or outside the entrance of the hospital for a fag. This is insanity! So are you ready to quit forever?

MARLENE TALBOT, Oozehead Lane, Blackburn.