VICKY Bell, 16, of Longton has been chosen to represent the North of England Hockey team.

She will play against the South of England and hopes to be chosen for the British Colleges National Hockey team.

The Preston College student had never shown any interest in hockey until her mother prompted Vicky to have a try when she was 12. It was smooth dribbling from there on as she took to the game like a duck to water.

Vicky said: "I never thought I'd be any good but after being encouraged first by my mum then my teacher I decided to give it a go and now I love playing." After years of patiently awaiting to try out for the Lancashire Schools girls' team Vicky decided to take matters into her hands and just turn up for the trials.

She added: "Usually you have to wait until you are invited to attend the trials for the first team but the invite never seemed to come so I just turned up and amazingly I got in!"