THE Royal British Legion is probably best known for its organisation of Remembrance Sunday Parades and the Poppy appeal collections.

The Poppy Appeal however is an ongoing activity. The National total collected for the year ending May 31 2003 was £21million of which £624,000 was collected by Lancashire and £7,200 by Middleforth.

I would like to thank the members of Middleforth Royal British Legion and the public in Penwortham, Middleforth, Kingsfold and Preston for their generous support and hope I may count on this support this coming year.

The Poppy Appeal total is there to be used to support needy ex-service personnel and/or their dependants, and all the monies collected by RBL branches go directly to the National Central Total. Each and every case is checked by out by a RBL caseworker who is trained and is a member of your local branch.

There were no cases of need investigated by Middleforth during the last year so we are either based in an affluent area or we are not finding them. I feel it is the latter and I need people (male and female) with a few hours to spare to join the RBL at Middleforth and become caseworkers.

There is a lighter side in that Middleforth also has a small but pleasant club on Leyland Road. Drinks are on sale at competitive prices and members enjoy darts, pool and Crown Green Bowling. We have live entertainment each Saturday evening and there is also a 55 plus Club which meets each Tuesday afternoon and plays Bingo, progressive whist and dominoes. A nominal charge (pence) is paid annually for Club membership.

Membership is open to all males and females aged 18 years and over, so why not come and join us for relaxing enjoyment or maybe do this and help others.

The Royal British Legion's motto is 'Service not self' and its catchphrase for charitable help is 'Need not want'.

Harry Benson BEM, 23 Woodland Avenue, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 9JP