SADLY there's nothing new about some young people making life hell for those around them.

Pensioners and shopkeepers suffer the brunt of bad behaviour from intimidating groups responsible for escalating crime and violence.

The result is that the elderly feel unsafe on their own streets, community facilities are vandalised and estates begin to look like battered war-zones.

Fighting such juvenile nuisance takes up huge amounts of police time but officers are merely battling to hold the line rather than removing the problem.

Now a programme aimed at tackling the root of the problem is claiming big success.

According to the council, in the Whitebirk and Mill Hill areas of Blackburn between July and October calls about juvenile nuisance to police have dropped from a total of 219 to 138.

The drop is being credited to the "Positive Activities for Young People" programme which has seen children being encouraged into various sports and outdoor activities. Cycling, climbing, archery and camping trips along with drama and music workshops have been launched.

Some might criticise such measures for sending the wrong messages and rewarding bad behaviour.

But it does look like the scheme is working and it should be given the chance to prove itself further.