I QUESTION your decision to publish the letter (November 14) suggesting that no one approached the Holcombe Hunt when they made a detour into Loveclough recently to gather up their hounds because "people fear they will be verbally or physically abused if they dare to tackle any hunt over their behaviour."

This is offensive nonsense that is a slur on the decency of hunting people.

The hunting community has long been under public scrutiny and has nothing to hide and I am in no doubt that had the hunt in question been reasonably approached they would have given an account of their presence. They would have addressed any concerns.

It should not be forgotten that our government and security services consider animal rights activism as a form of domestic terrorism and there is considerable overlap between participants in hunt sabotage and those who are involved in the violent intimidation of employees of Huntingdon Life Sciences and other campaigns.

It is animal rights activism in its many guises that is to be feared and not hunting people.

DONALD MITCHELL, (address supplied).