GOLBORNE gained sweet revenge for their only defeat so far this season with a 13-4 win over Thatto Heath.

The St Helens team contained several first team National League players but Golborne reached the last 16 of the NWC Bowl after a cracking game which began with end to end rugby with both sides completing their sets of six.

With just four minutes gone Golborne split the Thatto defence and man of the match stand off Andy Simms raced over for a try goaled by Martin Fisher. Four minutes later they doubled the lead to 12 - 0 with a try and goal from Fisher.

Thatto hit back with a spell of sustained pressure but James Byrne, Gareth Sherman, Chris Woods and Gareth Dickinson put their bodies on the line and Fisher's great tactical kicking saw Golborne turn round 12-0 up.

Four minutes into the second-half Thatto were back into the game with an unconverted try and they piled on the pressure again but Golborne stood firm then began to take territorial control.

Golborne gave first team debuts to Robert Dooley, Darrel Wight and Michael Prince who all impressed. Fisher dropped a goal four minutes from full time.

Coach Alan Robinson was a happy man and his young charges were well led by Gary Dooney and Philip Shaw.

No first team game this week but players meet for training at 12.20 pm.