WHO better to switch on Radcliffe's Christmas lights than the town's Boy and Girl of the Year, Roscoe Hastings and Lisa Ryan?

They are pictured with the Mayor and Mayoress of Bury, Coun Wilf Davison and his wife Maureen who, like the rest of the crowds on Saturday (Nov 30), thoroughly enjoyed the fun-packed day.

The Piazza was the centre of a whole host of attractions and entertainment ranging from school choirs singing carols to an appearance by Father Christmas himself.

Presiding over the day were Roscoe and Lisa.

Roscoe (12) was nominated by his teacher at Radcliffe High School for all the charity events he organises and Coney Green High School pupil Lisa (15) was chosen because of her voluntary work for Radcliffe Boys and Girls Club and for being a mentor to a fellow pupil.

The event was organised by Radcliffe Traders Association and spokesman, Susan Stockall, said: " It was a great success regardless of the poor weather and lots of people turned out to join in the fun."