On dialling 1471 the caller's number is revealed as 01142813816.

I am certainly not giving the person the satisfaction of ringing back and maybe helping to make him or her a fortune out of premium rate call scam. No thank you.

I read recently about call centres ringing a broad sweep of numbers but only being able to answer a certain number.

If this is so I wish they would put an end to this inconsiderate and diabolical practice.

If anyone else is having the same problem let me know because they've somehow got by the preference service I signed up to.

For anyone who has not been on this planet in the last few weeks the use of mobile handsets in cars has been outlawed since Monday.

So far it doesn't seem to be making much difference. I have still followed drivers with a phone clamped to their earhole.

It's said warnings will be given for the first two months, but I don't see why the £30 tickets can't be introduced right away like they have been in Scotland. Once the law has been brought in there's no excuse for flouting it.