YOU can join the huskies on a polar expedition that sets out in the next month to discover the effects of climatic change.

At the Polar Husky site ( you can find out about the team behind the plans as well as read about the dogs that will be there alongside them.

There will be 30 dogs and six explorers who will dogsled the territory of Nunavut in the Arctic, meeting Inuit elders and students.

They aim to explore traditional ecological knowledge in remote communities while gathering scientific data for NASA and Environment Canada.

The site features Inuit music and regular news updates.

A NEW mobile phone service that allows people to personalise the sound that callers hear when they are waiting at the other end.

Launched by T Mobile ( and called Caller Tunes it allows you to pick a tune that is then heard by people who call you.

So instead of the usual "bring-bring" your friends could listen to the latest from Busted or Kylie. But be warned -- you may have fewer friends if you choose the Cheeky Girls.

ACOMPUTER games company has revealed that many over 60s pick up a joystick before the knitting.

The survey by Codemasters ( claims that the "grey gamers" are enjoying a variety of computer games.

The company received over 250 emails from older people, who enjoy playing more lateral thinking games rather than shoot-them-up types.

Others people said they enjoyed football management, snooker and even Great Escape-style games.

More is spent in the UK on computer and video games than on cinema tickets.

THE average kid's bedroom now contains over £3,000-worth of electronic wizardry, says an insurance firm.

AXA's study showed that a quarter of children,s bedrooms have a computer, with six out of 10 having a mobile phone and eight per cent a mobile phone.