HERBAL remedies, exclusive natural shampoo and even organic dog food.

Greenhouse Natural Health Store at Longridge has a lot to offer Lancashire's health conscious and environmentally-aware.

And now the outlet's owners Mike Arnold and Shaun Mills are basking in the glory of being named the top health food store in the UK.

This is quite an achievement considering the store is a mere two and half years old, said Shaun.

"It's all about absolute customer care and alternative health knowledge, which are extremely important for an independent food store," he said.

The store, in Calder Avenue, was named the winner of the Best Health Food Store in the UK 2003 by Health Food Business magazine in September.

The honour was bestowed in an award ceremony in Harrogate after several 'mystery shopper' visits by judges and a portfolio was submitted by Mike and Shaun.

The pair created the store, which stocks a wide selection of vitamins, herbs, sports nutrition, bodycare and organic foods, after Mike was made redundant. His redundancy money was ploughed into creating The Greenhouse.

The store's growth has been rapid. After a year in business, the shop was extended after next door premises became available. Shortly afterwards The Greenhouse was voted among the top 30 Health Stores in the UK by readers of Here's Health magazine.

Although Shaun's background is a legal one -- he is a trained solicitor -- the 40-year-old has always ate and been interested in natural food.

"It was my grandmother really! My family always brought me up on natural products and always been into them in a big way."

One area of success for The Greenhouse, which employs four part-time staff, has been with women seeking to overcome the problems of the menopause, without resorting to drugs.

Mike, 37, said: "Since opening, we have been overwhelmed with enquiries from Longridge women concerned about HRT and the menopause and we're having great success helping them to be drug-free and healthy."

"We also have a lot of local body-builders who come in for advice and some of the specialist sports nutrition products that we sell."

And this advice is not just confined to the store's aisles.

Shaun and Mike use their knowledge to educate those in the community about the benefits of alternative food.

They talk to patient's groups at Longridge doctors surgery, Mother's Union groups and WIs.

Expansion of the business is now on the minds of Shaun and Mike both physically and on the web -- with help from Business Link for East Lancashire.

Shaun said: "We will eventually look to open another shop and we are looking to have an online shop up and running by January."

It promises to be a healthy future for The Greenhouse.