I WOULD like to thank the people of Bury for their continuous generosity in supporting 44 orphaned children in Uganda.

Last year we were able to allocate £50 for the individual needs of each child and this has made a huge difference to their lives. I visited them all last July and saw the evidence of our work there.

Each child can now go to school, have school equipment and a uniform and to return to a loving foster home. They now have a future and are thriving.

December 1, was World Aids Day. More than 40 million people are living with HIV. That's one out of every 150 people worldwide. This is a depressing statistic and often results in children being orphaned and destitute.

Uganda has been the leading light in its open education policy and this has helped to reduce the infection rate considerably. The Ugandan people are trying their best to help themselves and with the continued support of local people I believe we are making a real difference. We are not only supporting our own 44 children but have inspired more local sponsors to help 150 children in Tororo, East Uganda.

If you would like to help in any way, please contact Bury African Outreach's Derek Roe (01204 883164) or e-mail bafricanoutreach@aol.com.


Bury African Outreach.