IN reply to Rob Wilcock's 'Buses can be a problem' (LET January 20), I agree, buses should stop at bus stops. But you forgot to mention that is only possible if the bus stop is free from parked cars.

I have been a bus driver for Blackburn Borough Transport for the last 18 months and you don't realise how many idiots are on the road until you drive a bus for eight hours a day.

Cars don't give way like they should, cars come down Jubilee Street when it's buses only, cars park on double yellow lines and on bus stops.

Taxis just stop anywhere there is a space, cars block buses in on narrow roads. Do I need to go on Mr Wilcock?

If I want to stop to let a pensioner off with bags of shopping as close to her house as possible and it is safe to do so, I will.

But I say this to you car drivers: "Take a good look at your fellow car drivers and see who really does caused problems on our roads."

MARK MOORCROFT, Henry Whalley Street, Blackburn.