CARERS in Hyndburn and Ribble Valley are celebrating the news of a £300,000 grant.

As many as 13,000 local carers in the two areas are eligible to benefit from the extended services that Carers Link will be able to offer.

Carers Link is a network centre of The Princess Royal Trust for Carers. It provides information, advice, training and social activities for carers who look after disabled, sick or elderly relatives or friends in Hyndburn and Ribble Valley.

The Community Fund award of £300,000, over three years, will enable Carers Link to offer more one-to-one support, drop-in sessions, information, training and social activities for carers. A particular benefit will be the opportunity to extend the hugely successful bi-lingual support services for minority ethnic carers.

"This is fantastic news. Since Carers Link moved to Link House in Accrington it has been a real asset to the community. This award will bring great benefit to all local carers," said Saeeda Farooq, chair of Hyndburn Asian Ladies Carers Group.

Carers are welcome to join the celebrations at Link House, King Street, Accrington when the Community Fund will present a cheque to Carers Link on February 5. For more information about Carers Link contact Kathleen Eastwood on 01254 387444.