I WAS astounded at the front page filled with pictures of young children congregating in Blackburn. They have to congregate somewhere and when I was at school in Blackburn the same problems occurred -- only the groups were Mods and Rockers.

If you only take your cameras round to the other side of Blackburn on Northgate you will find there is a more dangerous problem every day.

On the Thursday I parked outside King George's Hall and tried to cross at the crossing. On two occasions I was ignored by youngsters riding round, pipping horns and generally treating cars as toys.

I think this is far more of a problem that that of a few children congregating in Church Street., Northgate,

Blackburn is becoming a car playground at lunchtimes and after college times for the more affluent children. They drive without due care and attention to the public and other cars, as well as using mobile phones and eating while driving.

J CAFFERTY (Mrs), Flashgate, Higher Ramsgreave, Blackburn.