IS there a more tedious, rhetorical and overused expression these days than: "Is this political correctness gone mad?"

It is yet again being trotted out in relation to the treatment of Robert Kilroy Silk. Sadly, political correctness 'went mad' long ago. Indeed it would require a latter day Kafka to adequately satirise the surreal universe we now inhabit, where minorities cannot be offended, Christ cannot be mentioned at Christmas, pride in the national flag is deemed racist, a prison officer can be sacked for making a derogatory remark about Osama Bin Laden and diversity in the workplace is more important than actual ability to do the job.

Mr Kilroy Silk has been undoubtedly hounded out of his job at the BBC, although, as a millionaire, I doubt he will suffer much hardship. This incident, another nail in the coffin of British democracy will, eventually, be forgotten like so many others. Unfortunately, if it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone who speaks out against the prevailing political ethos and offends his or her liberal masters. We should all be very afraid.

S LOVE (Mrs), Avenue Parade, Accrington.