I AM writing to you with regard to your article of January 20 about Church Street entitled 'Sort it out!" I have to say that I heartily agree with your 'Comment'.

In my view the situation can only be remedied if the follow examples of anti-social behaviour are outlawed:

1. Groups of more than six of these so-called goths and moshers. Why would anyone wish to be part of a gathering of more than six unless at a sporting occasion or concert of some description? Every week there seem to be hundreds of them on Church Street, taking amongst themselves, getting in the way and generally making our beautiful town look untidy.

2 Groups of teens hoarding the town centre litter bins. This forces decent law-abiding shoppers to drop litter because they are made to feel uneasy, or even threatened by these 'litter lurkers.'

3 People standing on the town centre benches. It's both anti social and intimidating. Would these people stand on a bench in their own home? I think not.

These gangs of youths congregating on Church Street don't seem to understand that the town centre is there for shops and customers. Using it as a meeting place to socialise with like-minded individuals benefits no-one and is nothing but a hindrance to shoppers.

FRANCES BARNES (Mrs) (by email).