A ROW between villagers is brewing after a new pub was given the nod to open in Heysham.

The watering hole will be only metres from the Royal Hotel - and residents are anxious that it will lead to a surge in anti-social behaviour.

Thirty-six letters of objection to the idea were received by Lancaster City Council planners at a meeting on Monday.

Heysham Heritage Association has also objected to the plan, saying it will generate too much traffi, and Heysham Jubilee Institute says it will not be in keeping with the conservation area.

But Sarah and Henry Forde, the owners of the property in question - on Barrows Lane - are thrilled to bits and say that gaining planning consent is 'absolutely great news'.

"We bought the place two years ago and have been waiting to turn it into a pub. We had the Crown and Anchor in Middleton and ran it for two years. We really liked the trade and so thought we would go back into it - and this is an ideal building," says Mrs Forde.

"We are not worried that the Royal Hotel is down the road and think it will be good for the consumer because it should help keep prices down."

She says building work could take up to two years and cost as much as £200,000, but adds: "It is an exciting adventure and we are looking forward to it."

The property was used as a caf or restaurant for 40 years but has been standing disused for the past two years.