RE: The company building phone masts in the Fulwood area.

We are writing to address the problems of the phone masts being placed within a one mile radius of our home. We strongly disagree with this placement, in particular, and of any form of mast near our home, as we have heard of the possible effects it may have, eg radiation and microwaves and so on.

We feel they should be placed in an area where no-one can be affected, like the countryside, or less densely populated areas.

You are making rules on mobile phones and telephone wires, however you totally underestimate the dangers that may occur in the Fulwood area. I'm sure you would reconsider if your home was situated here, so please reconsider for the sake of other people.

There are many people in our neighbourhood who disagree with the phone masts and I am positive we are not alone in our objections. I'm sure this would cause a lot of distress and worry to many of the local people and may cause strong reactions. Please reconsider.

Rachel Allison, aged 17, and family, Boys Lane, Fulwood.