A WILPSHIRE teenager is filling her 'gap' year with an adventure in Africa.

St Wilfrid's CE High School pupil Hannah Stevens, 17, will be working for a project called the Hamlet Foundation in a centre for mentally handicapped adults in Johannesburg, South Africa.

And while the posting will last just 12 months, Hannah is hoping the benefits both for her, and the young adults she works with, will last much longer.

"It will be a big challenge, and I am sure some of the things I see will be upsetting," said Hannah, of Durham Road.

"But the feeling from knowing you have helped a little bit must be amazing."

Hannah will be working for an educational charity called Project Trust, set up more than 30 years ago to give 'gap' year students the chance to learn about a wider community in a country with a different culture.

Hannah is one of just 12 students selected who will look after more than 100 people attending the centre. She said the placement was a dream come true. "I think the idea of a year out first came to me when I was in Year 7. Africa was always where I wanted to go, and when I learned about Project Trust everything just slotted into place."

Project Trust volunteers are asked to raise £3,850 towards the cost of the placement, and Hannah is busy organising fund-raising events, helped by friends and family.

A car boot sale, 'gigs' by DJ friends, a barbecue for parents, and a race night are all planned, and Hannah hopes for corporate sponsorship. Pupils at her former school, Ribblesdale, are holding a non-uniform day to boost Hannah's sponsorship.

After her 'gap' year, Hannah intends studying a degree in social work.

Details of all planned events are on Hannah's internet site: WEBhttp://hannahtoafrica. mysite.freeserve.com