HAVING just returned from Blackburn town centre, I am amazed that anyone shops there at all. Never in recent years have I felt so intimidated by gangs of youths roaming around.

These gangs, may I add, are from all cultural and musical backgrounds. I will not be returning to the town centre for some time to come.

After reading your article on goths and moshers I am glad that something is being done to stop so-called young adults from congregating en masse.

I have in the past witnessed acts of violence in the precinct at the top of the escalators and today witnessed a further brawl outside Boots.

I was with my two-year-old daughter to whom everything is new and exciting, but today she was left in floods of tears and clinging to me in desperation.

I feel it is a matter of urgency that these gangs are prevented from congregating and that Blackburn town centre is returned to the shoppers.

ANDREW BARRY, Milking Lane, Lower Darwen.