LIKE B Ardis of Cloister Drive, Darwen (LET, January 21) I too have never had cause or the inclination to write to a newspaper before.

Yet by insulting my local Councillor, Dave Smith, he insults the intelligence of the people of Sunnyhurst who, on numerous occasions, have voted him in by large majorities.

He receives by far the most votes of any Darwen councillor by working damn hard for Darwen and its people, irrespective of how they may have personally voted (or not voted at all). I should know, as he has helped me, my neighbours and my community on numerous occasions.

B Ardis admits that he/she does not live in Sunnyhurst so he/she would not really have a clue just how much Councillor Smith does indeed "concentrate his efforts on supporting his ward electorate and fighting for the views of Darwen."

I do not live in Councillor Paul Browne's ward either, but at least Councillor Smith tells the public of Darwen how it is, instead of pandering all the time to populist rabble rousing.

Whilst those people mentioned in B Ardis's letter may well be expressing "the views of many Darwen folk" this does not mean that these views are correct or that everyone has to agree with them!

S CHELTON (Mrs), Owlet Hall Road, Darwen.