RESIDENTS are being invited to ask questions and make comments about the council's budget for the coming year at Radcliffe's area board on Monday evening (Feb 2).

Bury Council's budget for 2004/05 will be the first item up for discussion at the meeting, at Radcliffe Civic Suite, Thomas Street, at 7pm.

The council's finance team will presents its Council Budget Roadshow, and give the people of Radcliffe the chance to find out how the council intends to raise and spend its money over the next financial year.

Following this there will be a 45 minute open forum where the public can ask questions or raise concerns on any local issues. In addition are reports on highways issues and a report by Inspector Steve Clark on policing priorities and initiatives for Radcliffe.

Councillor Barry Briggs, chairman of Radcliffe area board, said, "No one can deny that Radcliffe has seen significant levels of new investment, both public and private and the Budget Roadshow will give local people another opportunity to influence how money is allocated to their community".