OVER many years, Radcliffe has had a steady supply of volunteers, giving their time and expertise to young people in sport and Scouting.

Each week in the Bury Times I read about Radcliffe Athletic Club and the good work they do to develop and encourage young athletes. If they had better facilities could they produce a future Paula Radcliffe?

As for Radcliffe Swimming Club, it would be hard to find a club with a more distinguished history of international swimmers, Olympic representatives, winners of life-saving awards, English Channel swim record-holders, biathlon and triathlon competitors. All good stuff.

Radcliffe and East Lancs Paper Mill cricket clubs both give youngsters a chance to play, while Scout and Guide groups add to the improvement and development of our young people.

The many soccer teams give hundreds of boys, and in recent years, girls, a chance to follow their favourite sport. Add to all that the dancers from the Moriscos, and the many talents, such as the roller-skating Lightowler sisters, and we Radcliffians have a lot to appreciate in our young people. They are prepared to help whenever called upon. Good luck to them all.