A ROADSHOW aimed at recruiting more foster carers for local children heads for Bury's Castle Leisure Centre this weekend.

Staff from Bury Council's family placement team will be at the centre on Saturday (Feb 28) between 10am and noon in order to promote the urgent need for more foster carers.

There will be an information display and leaflets to take away and staff will be on hand to answer queries.

Diana Powell, the council's family placement manager, said: "There is a need for foster carers for children of all ages but particularly for older children, teenagers, family groups of brothers and sisters and disabled children.

"Foster carers come from all sections of the local community and from all sorts of backgrounds. Single people foster, grandparents foster, unemployed and working people foster and the question we are asking other Bury residents is, 'Can you?'."

The council is keen to stress that all foster carers receive a wide range of support services including training, a support group, financial allowances and regular contact from Family Placement staff.

The next preparation group for new applicants starts in spring and for more information people can pop along to the leisure centre next week or simply contact Bury's family placement team for an information pack on 253 5457.