IREFER to your article in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph (March 22) regarding motoring in front of Accrington Town Hall.

Perhaps the authorities should get their act together first before condemning the motorist for using this part of Blackburn Road.

If you approach the roundabout from Broadway, there are no signs to stop you from turning left in front of the town hall that can be seen.

It is not only cars that use this stretch of road.

Heavy vehicles go through including vans.

Even market traders who regularly attend the markets go through this area, when they should only use one entrance which does not use this part of the highway.

There is only one sign indicating that only buses are allowed to go through this area, where there should be two.

One of these signs disappeared perhaps as long ago as 12 months.

The only sign that can be seen is not facing the road as it has been turned to partially face the bank and cannot be seen at all from Broadway.

Approaching the roundabout from Blackburn Road, where you are supposed to turn round, the one and only sign is also difficult to see sometimes as it is partially obstructed by trees as a result of it not facing the right way.

The painted road markings which state "buses only," are very difficult to read and cannot be seen at night or when the road is wet.

However traffic approaching from the other direction have no excuse as the signs (two of them) are clearly visible.

Name and address supplied.