IWOULD like to agree with the sentiments of the letter published from A Pensioner (LET, March 17) regarding "Mutant Yobs."

The people referred to were probably born in the mid-sixties, just about the time the do-gooder society was about to click in.

The problem started in our schools with the trendy leftie teachers wandering into class every day dressed out in corduroy trousers, roll neck sweaters, sandals and saying to the kids 'don't call me sir, call me Marc'.

That was the start of a society that has no respect for authority of any kind, be it parental control, teachers, police or anyone else for that matter.

I was brought up in the days when parents were respected, as were teachers and the police. In fact, in those days if I received the cane at school and told my parents, I'd get another clout and sent to bed without any tea.

If a policeman caught teenagers misbehaving they would get the cape round the ear and be dragged home to their parents, who would give them another one for good measure.

Is it any wonder that today kids run amok and why, because parents, teachers the police have their hands tied behind their backs. It is hardly any use modern day teachers complaining about the lack of respect, all they have to do is put the blame firmly on their forerunners of the sixties. That was the start of today's couldn't-care-less society and until this trend is reversed, the law, of any description will be a toothless tiger.

Please do not use my name and address. I fear that the mindless morons who roam my estate may decide to take revenge.

Name and address supplied.