SENIOR East Lancashire MP Janet Anderson is to oppose plans to dramatically increase security at Westminster including erecting a huge concrete wall around the Houses of Parliament.

The security services and the police, with the backing of some ministers, want to rip up the existing iron railing and replace it with a 15ft reinforced concrete wall with razor wire on the top.

They also want to give the police the right to shoot to kill people who attempt to break security.

The drive to boost protection from a terrorist threat has been increased after two brothers from Hampshire leapt the railings to climb Big Ben to protest against the war on Iraq.

Already the Parliamentary authorities are to install bullet-proof glass in front of the Strangers Gallery public hearing area to prevent a gun attack and they are to build a new £5million reception area for visitors including much enhanced security precautions.

Darwen and Rossendale MP Mrs Anderson, said: "I appreciate the security concerns.

"But I say to every group of people I take to look round Parliament from my constituency, this is their Parliament not ours.

"Yes we are at risk from a terrorist attack. But so is everybody.

"We have to strike a balance between security and access for the public.

"I believe these proposals go too far and we must maintain the palace of Westminster where every constituent of mine and my colleagues can turn up and ask to see their MP."