A NEW leaflet published by Wigan Council hopes to raise awareness of the rights pedestrians have to travel un-obstructed down our streets.

While these obstacles are a nuisance for most people, for those with disabilities they can be a real danger.

Frank Parkinson, chairman of Wigan's access for the disabled committee, hopes the leaflet will help people realise what their legal rights are in relation to common obstructions like advertising sandwich boards. He says most people tolerate such obstacles, unaware that they are illegal.

The leaflet highlights obstructions caused by drivers who illegally parking on pavements and that a council permit is required for skips that hinder pedestrians.

While the authority hopes a polite request to a shop owner, driver, or builder will solve most problems, the leaflet contains contact details for relevant authorities should the problem escalate.

Advice leaflets will be available at district council offices.